Philosophical Pillars of a Great Hearts Academy
The Philosophical Pillars of Great Hearts are aphorisms in support of the core and never-changing purpose of the organization: to cultivate the hearts and minds of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Together with The Six Loves, they comprise Great Hearts’ most basic and most integral statement about who we are, what we believe, and what we do.

Our View of Learning
Great Hearts' philosophy of education is one that is fundamentally oriented toward Truth, Goodness, and Beauty as transcendental and immutable properties of all Being. This philosophy has immediate implications for how we approach our work as schools and teachers.
Verum, Bonum, Pulchrum
Teaching and Learning
Day-to-day, we fulfill our mission to cultivate the minds and hearts of students through the pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty by the corporate work of teaching and learning—engaging together with the best that has been thought, said, and written in the Western Tradition.
What We Do
Our Culture
The culture of Great Hearts schools and classrooms is crafted and nurtured deliberately to flow out of and support our core beliefs about civilization, humanity, morality, and education.
The Classroom Environment
The responsibility of passing on the Western Tradition and orienting our students toward Truth, Goodness, and Beauty is a serious one. Great Hearts leaders and teachers take up that responsibility with humility and passion.
Leading By Example