Medication and Health Policies

Current policies regarding student health, medication, screenings, and more are contained in each Great Hearts Irving school’s Family Handbook.

Family Handbooks

Required Immunizations

The State of Texas requires that every child in the state be immunized against preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in order to be enrolled in school. Records of up-to-date immunizations must be provided to the School Nurse. The current schedule of required vaccinations can be found at this link. For full details on immunization requirements and our policies, please see our Family Handbooks.

2024-2025 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements For Students K-12

The State of Texas allows families to apply for exemptions to immunization requirements due to religious or other objections. For more information on qualifying exemptions, please visit the website of the Texas Department of State Health Services. Families requesting a vaccine exemption for reasons of conscience will need to document their objection in their child’s student records by requesting an affidavit, having it notarized by a Notary Public, and delivering the affidavit to the School Nurse.

Affidavit Request for Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience

More Information on Exemptions for Reasons of Conscience

Health Screenings

As noted in our Family Handbooks, there are a number of State-mandated health screenings we are required to conduct for students throughout the school year. These include:

  • Hearing and vision screenings for all students new to Great Hearts Irving (including all Kindergarteners),
  • Annual hearing and vision screenings for all 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders,
  • Annual Acanthosis nigricans  screenings for all 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders, and
  • Spinal screenings for all 5th and 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys.

Student Medication

Parents of children who have prescribed/over-the-counter medications that need to be administered during the school day must complete the appropriate Request for Medication Administration form below and drop it off at the front desk for our School Nurse. All medication will be stored in a locked container or cabinet in the Nurse’s Clinic. Students may not have any form of medication, including vitamins, cough drops, or ointments in their possession while at school.

Request for Administration of Over-the-Counter Medication Form

Request for Administration of Prescription Medication Form

Severe Food Allergies

Parents of children with histories of severe allergic reactions and risk of anaphylaxis are asked to complete three forms: a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan form, a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Health History form, and a Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Contacts form. If your child’s doctor has prescribed an EpiPen, Auvi-Q, or other epinephrine auto-injector, you will also need to complete a Request for Administration of Prescription Medication form as well.

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Action PLan Form

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Health History Form

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Contacts Form

Exemption from Recess or P.E. for Health Reasons

Both recess and Physical Education are state-mandated elements of our curriculum, and participation is required of all students. To excuse a student from P.E. or recess, a signed doctor’s note with medical diagnosis, a list of medically-necessary restrictions, and the duration of those restrictions must be sent directly to the school nurse. We are unable to excuse students from required classes on parent request.


Parents of children with a history of asthma are asked to complete both an Asthma Information form and an Asthma Action Plan. The Asthma Action Plan requires a doctor’s signature. If the doctor has prescribed an inhaler, spacer, and/or peak flow meter, those will need to be delivered to the Nurse for dedicated school use. If nebulizer treatments are necessary throughout the school year, parents are expected to supply the mask and tubing. All prescription and over-the-counter medication to be administered at school (including albuterol) requires the appropriate Request for Administration of Medication form.

Asthma Information Form

Asthma Action Plan

Asthma Inhalers

Lower School students are not permitted to self-carry inhalers. If your Upper School student will be self-carrying his/her inhaler, it is required that he/she have the necessary paperwork filed with the clinic. An Asthma Inhaler Self-Carry Contract must be signed by the student, parent/guardian, and a medical doctor.

Asthma Inhaler Self-Carry Contract


Parents of children with a history of seizures are asked to complete a Seizure Action Plan as well as a Request for Administration of Prescription Medication form if seizure-related medication will be administered and/or kept at school.

Seizure Action Plan

Request for Administration of Prescription Medication Form


Parents of children with a diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus Type 1 or Type 2 are asked to provide the school nurse with a copy of the most recent plan from a doctor. It is recommended that parents provide snacks and/or juice to be kept in the Nurse’s Clinic. All medication prescribed by the doctor to be administered at school will require a completed Request to Administer Prescription Medication form.

Request for Administration of Prescription Medication Form

Head Lice

Anyone can get head lice. Great Hearts Irving observes a No Nit/Lice Policy. “No Nit” is defined as no live nits. Live nits will be within 1/4 inch of the scalp on the hair shaft. Students found to have live lice and/or live nits are sent home and are permitted to return only after treatment has been completed. This is confirmed by the school nurse when the children returns.

If you should discover a case of head lice or nits in your household, please notify the school nurse as soon as possible. Your child’s privacy will be strictly protected at all times. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school nurse any time.

Unassigned Stock Epinephrine Program

As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety and well-being, we are pleased to announce that Great Hearts Texas has recently implemented an Unassigned Stock Epinephrine Program. Read more about the program from the Director of Health Services.

Unassigned Stock Epinephrine Program Implementation Letter

For questions or concerns about any of Great Hearts Irving’s health policies, reach out to one of our nursing professionals: