The Six Loves
This organization first and foremost educates children—that is our primary task. And the type of learner we strive to cultivate is essentially Socratic—the learner who, in awe of the cosmos and with a sense of passion and mission, strives continuously to know what is true, to know and practice what is good, and to love what is beautiful.
This kind of passionate, dynamic, continuously-active Socratic learning can only be fostered by those who themselves practice it. The spirit of Socratic learning must permeate the entire organization and flow outwards from it. Thus the Great Hearts mission is not only to educate children: we seek to educate our teachers and all our employees, the parents of the children entrusted to us, and the general public as well.
Adapted from “Great Hearts: The Six Loves” by Andrew Ellison, Director of the St. Ambrose Center at the University of Dallas and former Executive Director of San Antonio Academies for Great Hearts Texas.

The Western Tradition
Great Hearts chooses to place special emphasis on the tradition of the West of which we ourselves are heirs, signified primarily by the cities of Athens, Jerusalem, and Rome.
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Human Dignity and Freedom
We stand with the Western Tradition in emphasizing the distinct dignity of the person and liberty as a universal human right.
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Philosophical Realism
The philosophical tradition of the West is univocal in its assertion that eternal realities are instantiated in particular beings through understanding of which we gain access to the one, universal Truth and Being.
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Conversation and Community
We believe that, like all areas of human life, academic and philosophical inquiry is rightly undertaken in community and dialogue with others.
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We believe that the most meaningful life is a life lived in humble and loving service of others.
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