Our Culture Weeks are an opportunity for our whole school to come together around the foundational habits that we all share, and that make Great Hearts Irving unique—the virtues. The goal of our Culture Weeks is for our students and faculty to join together once a quarter with their House members across all grade levels and wonder together about the virtues present in a great work from the western tradition.

At the beginning of the week, our Middle School scholars will receive the text in their Monday Lyceum classroom. On Tuesday, they will be given on opportunity to read over the work. On Wednesday, they will engage in seminars led by our High School senators. Finally, on Friday, they will gather together with the High School for joint House Games. The winner of these games enjoys the glory of victory and will earn points towards the highly-prized House Cup.

Like the Middle Schoolers, High School scholars will receive their texts at the start of the week. In lieu of Lyceum Culture Week activities, on Friday, they will commence the day on the Beatrice turf with coffee and donuts after which they will enjoy seminars and a lecture assembly before House Games.