An Evening at Netherfield

Thursday, February 27th—6-8:30pm—Athena, MPR#2

Students will have tea together followed by an evening of elevated banter, whist, and dancing!

To ensure the success of this event, we will need donations of food and other items from parents. 


Students should come dressed in semi-formal attire—or as their favorite Pride and Prejudice character!


Students will have time to go home and attend after school activities before returning at 6 pm for the event.

When you arrive, scholars must enter through the west-facing carline doors across the hall from MPR#2.

Parent Contributions

Sign up below to help supply our dinner and decor. There will also be opportunities to serve during the event.

Sign Up to contribute


Student Expectations & Reminders

  • Cell phones will be collected at the beginning of the event.
  • Students are encouraged to adopt Jane Austen attire keeping in mind the guidelines of Great Hearts formal events dress code.
  • Students who arrive inappropriately dressed will be asked to change at home and return.