Promenade 2025
The Great Gala

Join the Senior and Junior classes for a handsome Gala at the luxurious Sheraton DFW Airport  on Saturday, April 12th at 6:30PM for an evening of dinner, dancing, and delight!

Saturday, April 12th at 6:30 PM

Sheraton DFW Airport
4440 W. John Carpenter Fwy Irving, TX 75063


Tickets to this event cost $80 and include dinner, photos, and dancing.

Tickets will be available at the front desk (cash) or online (card only). If you wish to bring a date from outside GHI, you must submit a date permission slip (available below and at the front desk) before you can purchase tickets.

buy a ticket


Students should be dressed to the nines for the event! The attire for Prom will be formal, black-tie optional. See the dress and suiting guides below for details.

Ladies’ Dress Guide. .Gentlemen’s Suiting Guide

Bringing a Date

The Promenade is also the one event of the year when students may invite a guest to be their date for the evening. It is socially acceptable to ask a date (or accept an invitation) and to come on one’s own or as a group of friends. Dates are permitted, not required. If a student wishes to bring a date, he or she may ask a Great Hearts Irving student in grade 10, 11, or 12. Alternately, students may bring a date from outside the academy, provided the guest is in grade 10-12 at another high school, or is 16-19 years old. To bring a date from outside Great Hearts Irving, the below permission form must be returned to the school prior to or when buying tickets.

Non-ghi date permission form

Reach out to with your questions as they arise.