Lower School Tutoring
Reading Tutoring
Students identified as needing additional help with reading, writing, spelling, and other language arts skills receive targeted, small group interventions and supports during the school day both in the context of their own classroom as well as from our dedicated staff of academic support specialists.
Math Tutoring
Supplemental Math tutoring is offered for students in Grades 3rd through 5th who have demonstrated a need and been invited by their teachers. Math tutoring occurs from 3:55 to 4:30pm every Tuesday school is in session and runs by semester. For the 2024-2025 school year, the dates of our Lower School tutoring sessions are:
- Semester 1 Tutoring: September 10–December 3
- Semester 2 Tutoring: January 14–April 8
After-school tutoring is most beneficial for students who are showing moderate struggles in Math. In order to keep groups small, our teachers prioritize inviting these students. For students who are experiencing more fundamental struggles, we recommend parents consider more intensive private tutoring as well as practice with basic math facts using MathFactLab.com.
What about K-2nd Grade students?
For Kindergarten through 2nd Grade students, the time directly after school is best reserved for unstructured play (preferably outdoors). In the afternoons, very young children need time to decompress and rest from their rigorous school day. For ideas about how to make the best use of this precious time and get your child off screens, we encourage you to consider some of the suggestions we made for healthy activities during the summer.
If your family’s situation makes screen time after school unavoidable, we encourage you to devote it to basic math fact practice using MathFactLab.com or practicing Spalding phonograms. Fluency with both math facts and phonograms are vital to your child’s academic success at school.
Tutoring Pick Up
All students in tutoring should be picked up at the Green Door promptly at 4:30pm. For the safety of all, parents should park and walk up to the Green Door holding their child(ren)’s placard(s). Please do not use the carline for tutoring pick up. Students will be called outside and dismissed to parents one at a time. Please remember to bring your child’s carline placard so that we can ensure we are releasing students to authorized individuals. Tutoring pick up ends at 4:40pm
Private Tutoring
Private tutoring is the responsibility of a student’s parents. Some of our teachers may be interested in facilitating this need for students at the rate of $60/hr. If you may be interested in arranging for private tutoring from one of our teachers, please reach out to Mary.Pantin@greatheartstxschools.org.
If you have any questions or concerns about tutoring, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Teacher email addresses can be found at greatheartsirving.org/lowerschoolfaculty.